Seminar Series

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Timeline's Full List of Creative Sizes

Here at ThriftyHipster, we were trying to figure out what would make fan gathering the best... It all starts with a complete listing and visually attractive fan page for your business.

And don't forget about the event on 3/27 where we'll be going over all of this and even having a designer on site to help you!

Here is a complete list of all creative sizes. Designing images to this size will ensure YOU have the best looking Facebook page for your business!

A few new policies/constraints to remember when making your images:
We've summarized for you, but if you want to read everything, here is the link on facebook (downloads a pdf)

  1. Cover Photos Cannot include:
    1. Price or purchase info. Facebook does not want this to be an ad space, so saying something like "download it at our site" or "reserve a table on our site" will not fly.
    2. No Contact info, that should go in the "About" section
    3. Calls to action (arrows to "like" or "buy" are out)

What TO include on your images (recommendations)

  1. Cover Photos - Make them extremely cool. Big photos, colorful, clean, and highlighting your space.
  2. Milestones - What image really represents your accomplishments?
  3. Profile Picture - Logo? Or does something else make sense?

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We can do it!

ThriftyHipster specializes in setting up and running web marketing for it’s local business clients. We are writing this to help you. This blog is exclusively written to educate our bar & restaurant clients how to use the web, ads, and social media to drive more traffic to their open seats.

This blog will give you the basics, so if you have questions you want answered or want us to just help make sure you are doing everything you can online to bring in customers, please call us at 612-246-4373, or join us at the next event! Otherwise, read away and become an expert yourself!