Seminar Series

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Mobile Site vs. Mobile App

Local Twin Cities Stats
  • 40% local residents own smartphones
  • Search volume on mobile increases 300% per year
  • 9 out of 10 smartphone searches result in a purchase or patronage

Which is best for you?

For any local business (and most national businesses to be honest), the answer, is You should have a Mobile Site! (view our option)

Why Site over App?  First, understand the difference between "Mobile App" and "Mobile Site" 

Of course, this really varies with the way you use a site and what you hope to get out of it.  Yes, I know iPhones are popular, millions of people have them... But should YOU have an app?

Before Investing in any Mobile Platform, understand it.
Mobile App
Is a specific piece of software created and custom-coded to work on various phone platforms (Android vs. iPhone, etc)

Mobile Site
Viewable when a user tries to go to your site on their phone. It will reroute them to a special site formatted to fit on a phone screen and work on all phones with internet.

Here are some interesting things we've been reading:
  • 9 out of 10 smartphone searches result in an action, such as purchasing or visiting a business. (Clickz
  • Mobile Internet use is set to overtake desktop use in the next four years. (Search Engine Land)
  • Webmasters no longer need have to have a separate mobile site – they simply need to have mobile friendly pages that can be housed under the same URL. (Google)
  • Mobile search is different from device to device and will present different search engine results.
  • The most used mobile apps in the U.S. are games; news; maps; social networking and music. Facebook, Google Maps and The Weather Channel rule. (mobiThinking)
  • M-commerce (mobile shopping) is predicted to reach $119 billion in 2015. (mobiThinking)
  • HTML 5 can be incorporated into mobile SEO practices to enhance a mobile site’s usability and performance, resulting in higher page rankings in search engines. (Mashable)
  • The level of search personalization in mobile browsers will be higher because mobile phones are personal. (Search Engine Land)

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We can do it!

ThriftyHipster specializes in setting up and running web marketing for it’s local business clients. We are writing this to help you. This blog is exclusively written to educate our bar & restaurant clients how to use the web, ads, and social media to drive more traffic to their open seats.

This blog will give you the basics, so if you have questions you want answered or want us to just help make sure you are doing everything you can online to bring in customers, please call us at 612-246-4373, or join us at the next event! Otherwise, read away and become an expert yourself!